

Binance Smart Chain : 0xA4Be487b586c9864465f9086A7dA35fC8ACf3702

What is 1ADA(1ADA)?

1ADA tokenomics have been tested and are proven to be sustainable and should ensure the graph will stay healthy with mild fluctuations. No constant router selling flooding out buys with a sea of red. The Dev is incredible and the team is vetted - they’re all active and informative.

No Kraken, No Honeypot!
✅Solid Team and Community!

No Presale/Whitelist/Airdrop
No Dev Wallet
✅Verified Contract
Liquidity Locked after launch

18% Tax
10% Cardano Rewards
1% Buy Back | 3% Liquidity | 4% Marketing
‍2% Max Tx | 3% Max Wallet
Anti-bot measures

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