Need to boost your marketing?
You are in the right place and your ad will be shown to the right people. Driving traffic is our bread and butter and we are constantly growing.
Promote your coin to 40k to 70k unique users daily!

Promote Coins
Fill up your Hardcap in minutes and promote your coin on top #1 crypto voting platform by publishing your tokens to tens of thousands of visitors daily.
To promote your coins, email [email protected]
Promoted Coins - 0.3 BNB/day

Carousel Banner - 0.45 BNB/day
- Size of banner: width 600px - height 240px. Or any size that respect this proportions.
- Accepted formats: jpg, png, gif
- Max size: 1mb
- Alternatively, we can design it for you

Highlight Banner - 0.75 BNB/day
- Size of banner: width 1200px - height 150px. Or any size that respect this proportions.
- Accepted formats: jpg, png, gif
- Max size: 1mb
- Alternatively, we can design it for you

Popup Banner - 1 BNB/day
- Size of banner: width 300px - height 250px. Or any size that respect this proportions.
- Accepted formats: jpg, png, gif
- Max size: 1mb
- Alternatively, we can design it for you

Pacakges Discount
Get a discount by purchasing one of our packages(Promote Coins + Carousel Banner + Highlight Banner + Popup Banner)
- Book a 3 days+ promotion and get 10% off
- Book a 7 days+ promotion and get 15% off
- Book a 15 days+ promotion and get 20% off
Why Promote with us?
We offer transparency and bring real investors to your project.
We Offer Transparency
Our website has 40-70k daily unique visitors who are hunting for new coins. We are the top #1 voting platform worldwide.
We Bring Real Traffic Value Without Overcharging
We offer competitive price for the value we bring to our clients that our competitors can’t compete. We charge 0.25 BNB/Day for coin ads with much higher traffic, unlike many voting site that charge around the same price with minimal traffics.
We Value Our Advertisers
We do our best to offer the best support to our customers in order to help them succeed. Our customer’s success is important to us because without them, there is no us.
Contact us?
If you want to promote your tokens, please contact our marketing team:
Telegram: @coinleanfrank
Email: [email protected]
Telegram: @coinleanbob
Email: [email protected]
Telegram: @SJ0618
Email: [email protected]