

Binance Smart Chain : 0x3024b8c63e5cb9ce99a9609c2df87cd5c1be21a9

What is AnimeInu(AIME)?

AnimeInu is not a meme coin. IT’S A MOVEMENT. As you already know, the BSC Network is full of SCAM projects with very high fees and fake promises, here is where AnimeInu excelates. Our mission is to educate as many people as possible and spread awareness. Let’s take for example a token with 20% fees implemented in the Smart Contract, imagine paying for something, but you receive only 80%, but you have to pay the full price, and you receive 5% for holding and the rest goes to the TOKEN creators, even the rewards for the holding are not big enough to cover the losses of the investors, usually those kinds of projects have a very short life span and in 99% of the time will result in losses.
Beyond just a meme, the team is focused on utility.

AnimeInu utility MVP will be based upon a CRYPTO GAME with custom rewards and PLAY to WIN function, where you can earn crypto tokens just by playing or completing quests.
And much more*

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