
Ancient Kitten

Binance Smart Chain : 0x3e74d95b0da3fbc852556f1f0680881cf619afcc

What is Ancient Kitten(AKT)?

Here you can see our website to find more about us:

Here you can see that liquidity is locked and Team tokens also are locked:

We are a real project and we strive to have a presence and we have no intention of any harm or loss to the investors, but our goal is the presence and the success of our project.

$AKT Tokenomics is also shared on our website as shown below:

We believe in our project, the future of crypto, and the importance of reducing supply, so we will buy back the $AKT and burn it over time, also we are more than happy to announce that 50% of the AKT total supply has been burned! which means only 50% of the total supply will be available for investors.

Only 100 Trillion Token were Minted (Source )

40% sent to the Dead Address (Dead Forever) (Source )

10% sent to the Vitalik Buterin Address (Source )

39% added to PancakeSwap Liquidity Pool (Source )

10% Team Wallet & It's Locked up to 4 Years (Source )

0.5% Marketing & Airdrop Wallet (Source )

0.5% Contract Creator Wallet (Source )

Token Utility:

1- The Token will/can be used to pay for purchases the gift cards on our site.
2- The Token can be used between players (in a game) to pay for something like a character, a vehicle, or something else.
3- The Token can be used to pay for the NFTs on our NFTs Marketplace when we launch it in the future.
4- The Token can be used to support players by their supporters to encourage them.

There will be other importance in the future for our token.

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