
Angry Doge

Binance Smart Chain : 0x2C9c93A5B97562eF3A692be8F9bB0A0B3567c2c8

What is Angry Doge(ANGR)?

Angry Doge ($ANGR) is a community-focused Defi crypto project, which includes the charity ANGR Cross-chain Swap, Dex and ANGR NFT marketplace, ANGR wallet.

Token ( Angry Doge )
Symbol ( ANGR)
Contract: 0x2C9c93A5B97562eF3A692be8F9bB0A0B3567c2c8
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Liq locked
❌ No Presale, No Team Tokens


Angry Doge DISTRIBUTION AND SUPPLY ANGR token will be distributed at the launch and throughout its lifecycle as follows:
20% to be burnt at launch
5% for charity purposes and for the community
5% is redistributed to holders
☑1 % for development,
14% use marketing for project Angry
5% for futures applications and products
Liquidity Pool : 50% add to liquidity Pool
Slippage: 16%

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