
Artic Token

Binance Smart Chain : 0x1999B0613689D987360aBeF5c50A576e4B4e55B6

What is Artic Token(ARTIC)?

Name: Artic Token
Symbol: ARTIC
Chain: Binance Smart Chain
Token Contract: 0x1999B0613689D987360aBeF5c50A576e4B4e55B6
Farming will be enabled at block #11853650
Initial Liquidity: ARTIC-BUSD & ARTIC-BNB farms
Initial Liquidity Burned
Timelock - 12 H
Our team understand the triumph you feel when you find a good farm and the dejection of a rugpull. This farm is a collection of our team's view on what we think are the elements of a successful old school farm model. For this purpose, we decided on a low emission rate (0.05) to our platform. We believe this model will help end users earn maximum yields over an extended period of time.

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