

Binance Smart Chain : 0x065aeacc7E2a2879fF26902730548290018B98Db

What is AstroSpins(AST)?

Astrospins Token ($AST) is one of the first lottery tokens with an implemented Buy-Back system on the Binance Smart Chain. Unlike a regular lottery, where one must buy a ticket every day to be eligible to win, Astrospins holders will only need to buy tokens once. As long as they hold these tokens in their wallet, they will have the chance of being one of the six lucky holders to win the draw. This draw will be held daily. Not only does this lottery give buyers an additional incentive to hold, it also offers a much better alternative to regular lottery tickets.

Astrospins Token ($AST) will create a lottery pool by sending a small percentage of transaction fees to the lottery wallet. Regular lottery, which creates a lottery pool using the money from ticket sales, Once every 24h, the funds in this wallet will be split EVENLY between 6 randomly chosen holders.

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