

Binance Smart Chain : 0x832F30776C05Ed41Dc69f07246cBAd02Ad5E246a

What is Baby98x(BABY98X)?

Baby98x is the Pioneer of Coin98 Reflection Token, With Recent Hyped of C98, Baby98x is born to give investor passive reward by holdings Baby98x! All you have to do simply HODL and C98 Token will be distributed to your wallet!

Initial Supply : 10,000,000
Burn : 15%
⚖️ Liquidity : 80%
⚙️ Development : 5%
8% Transaction Fee to Buyback $Coin98
7% Development Fee
1% Liquidity Pool
4% Extra Fee on Sell

Anti Whale! Max Wallet only 200,000 BABY98x
Max Sell - 50,000 BABY98x
- Buying Slippage - 16% or more
- Selling Slippage - 20% or more
- Minimum Holdings To Earn C98 : 20,000 BABY98x

Initial Supply : 3BNB
☑️Verified Contract
☑️Liquidity Lock For 1 Year

⚙️ Coin98 Passive Income (Bigger APR % Than Others)
NFT Marketplace With Implementation of Coin98 Wallet
Roadmap can be found in our website

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