

Binance Smart Chain : 0x94123e63dfbd267c52e28097d121b4dae2a16e86

What is BabyCrypto(BABYCRYPTO)?

$BabyCrypto rewards it's holders in Skill Tokens - Which are useable in the Cryptoblades NFT Game, Cryptoblades is current in a dip, so any rewards obtained will potentially increase on their own!

Additional information, other links and addresses

16% Tax

9% $SKILL Rewards,

3% Marketing

4% Liquidity

Cooldown in between buys and sells to prevent whales and dumping - At Launch this delay will be 45 secs, and will be reduced/removed on community vote.

Rewards will be sent out every hour automatically to your wallet. Or you can just Buy/Sell 1 $Babycrypto to receive them instantly.

Hold onto you $BabyCrypto and get rewarded with $SKILL directly to your wallet, which you can save to unlock Characters, weapons and upgrades, or sell the rewards for BNB.

Marketing plans.

Grow Organically initially while building up $SKILL in the marketing wallet which can then be sold to provide the community with a lasting marketing fund. This way of obtaining marketing funds means there is no direct impact as there is no need for the marketing wallet to dump large amounts of tokens.

Start Paid promotions once we have built up enough $Skill in the marketing wallet - The Dev has advised they will put all decisions to the community for where the marketing funds are spent, and will be transparent with the transfers from this wallet.

I imagine you have already seen the ongoing hype around the NFT projects that are ongoing, as I am sure I had when I came across this group, given the low starting market cap, it seems like the perfect time to jump in and look to gain some $SKILL for holding, or using within Cryptoblades.

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