

Binance Smart Chain : 0xC1c6b969052bb3A3Ff7C5d1041db311dB1bf618e

What is BabyCZ(BCZ)?

BabyCZ was born with all the knowledge of his father to become the best token in the BSC. Who better than the son to continue his father’s legacy?

BabyCZ has ✅ Dinamyc Liquidity , Buyback (CZ KRAKEN) & BUSD REWARD! (AUTOCLAIM)

After each buyback, transaction fees FOR SELLS are doubled for 30 minutes, descending to the original rate with each minute.

BabyCZ is here to fight against Elon’s dogs and his manipulation. Its community will make CZ feel the pressure and be proud of his baby.

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You can vote once every 24 hours.

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