

Binance Smart Chain : 0xd927b303bd5db5cf9a3fe67e744308d7465a7c04

What is BabySatsumaZilla(BABYSATSUMAZILLA)?


Enjoy the Zilla hype while earning 10% ETH rewards passively straight to your wallet
Safu project with the transparent team better than investing in rug projects
Marketing and Liquidity will be from the tax! No Dev selling for marketing so it will be bullish
Liquidity will be locked on pink sale
Community driven token
Pre and post-marketing update every day
AMA with the DEV everyday
It provides quality and audit to secure its moonshot before launch

Future Usecase
⬛️ Staking thru APP
⬛️ NFT Marketplace - Zilla inspired design
⬛️ LaunchPad
⬛️ BabySatsumaZilla Ecosystem

Initial Market Cap: 20 BNB

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