

Binance Smart Chain : 0x148d864a7F1385aFD0501Af992a666D775d59f24

What is BabyBucks(BBUCKS)?

BabyBucks - the token yielding rewards in real USD! (USDT)
BabyBucks is token which rewards you for holding. You earn not just shitcoin, but USDT which is an equivalent to real USD.
You just hold and get. The more you hold, the more you get.
Come in and don't miss ability to get in with new cool yielding coin!

It's innovative, as it doesn't pay in memecoins. It pays you real USD as USDT is equivalent of USD.

95% to PancakeSwap liquidty pool.
5% for marketing

12% of each transaction is used to pay out USDT to holders.
3% is used for buy back system and marketing fund (mostly for buy back system, marketing fund is used only in very extreme situations).

DDinfo ℹ️
Dividend amount is automatically determined and paid relative to your balance. Automatical distribution depends on holder amount and market cap.
- A minimum of 350k tokens is required to be held to qualify for dividend distribution

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