
Beer Inu

Binance Smart Chain : 0x3d96a2933c2406b4d6be74483edadd1a8611cbe9

What is Beer Inu(BEER)?

BEER INU 2.0 combines the three best things on earth: crypto, beer and MASSIVE (12-22%) Ethereum redistribution.

BEER doesnā€™t just give Ethereum rewards: itā€™s aimed at building a community and ultimately, itā€™s own beer brand, pubs ā€“ a beer empire.

We are currently working with a brewery to launch the worldā€™s first crypto beer in Florida. The first beer will be Beer Inu PALE ALE. We have also acquired contacts with pubs to get it on tap. From there, itā€™s only a matter of time before we achieve BEER world conquest.

When you buy BEER, relax and hodl for Ethereum. Buy more to see it create itā€™s own commercial empire.

We are aimed at community: that means ā€œpaperhandingā€ is discouraged. BEER is ā€œundumpableā€. We want holders to hold or to sell at a massive profit.

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