

Binance Smart Chain : 0xa9e054014defa5bff26b7baef53a2d7faf997929

What is BEP40 COIN(BEP40)?

Launched in August 2021, Bep40 Coin is the fast-growing cryptocurrency of its kind. Bep40 is decentralized and on a mission to bring crypto to the average person. Bep40 Coin is created with 10x faster block speeds and cheaper gas fees since it's built on Binance smart chain. BEP40 is billed as a hyper-deflationary payment network platform rewarding the users holding tokens in their wallets. The automatic reward sequence will add convenience for the users. Cryptocurrency is faster than many other coins, which is helpful considering the markets’ volatility. As a community-centric platform, Bep40 will also launch its all-comprehensive crypto exchange and a wallet that can integrate with any current from different blockchains.

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