
BeRich Token

Binance Smart Chain : 0x8c8c603724211ed997778ebe70f1c6312763e729

What is BeRich Token(BRT)?

BeRich Token is launching 9th Aug at 17:00 UTC

No pre-sale, no private sale! Complete fair launch!

BeRich Token is is the next BSC gem for those insane meme gains launched by experienced marketers in and out of crypto, simply hold BeRichToken in your wallet and you will get BeRichToken every 24 hour automatically in your wallet.

BSC Contract:

Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000

60% LP Locked for 1 year
26% Tokens Burnt at launch
4% Marketing wallet
8% rewarding BeRichtoken to holders
Charity wallet | 2%
Team/Development | 0%
HUGE Marketing budget

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