

Binance Smart Chain : 0x4f7a06a0266d7ef4610155bca3da7d5148a93dc4

What is BestPay(BPAY)?

BestPay | The Future of Merchant Crypto Payments:Pay expenses and earn $BPAY rewards with your crypto tokens.

BestPay Ecosystem
✅BestPay Wallet - Make and track payment, stake and earn $BPAY tokens. Supports iOS + Android
✅BestPay Ecommerce - Ecommerce plugin to enable online payments for Shopify and major ecommerce platforms
✅BestPay Point of Sales (POS) - POS system for brick and mortar offline merchants
✅BestPay Reward system - Reward system to reward users as they spend their $BPAY and other BSC tokens

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