

Binance Smart Chain : 0xe0a1656087db854fa8d4585ace8e87002d745e1d

What is BezosGodZilla(BEZOSGOD)?

BezosGodZilla was designed to be a unique, one-of-a-kind project. The team behind it believes it is time to show the rivalry between Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos by creating a cryptocurrency that is more powerful, exciting, and community-based than ever before!

BezosGodZilla aims to take over different markets such as the NFT market, coinvoting websites, Amazon shopping integration, staking, and so much more.

In addition to these ambitious projects, BezosGodZilla seeks to bridge (link) to other blockchain networks such as Ethereum and Solana to increase accessibility so that everyone can join this amazing journey!

This coin’s tokenomics reward holders with 2% rewards of BezosGodZilla, 5% liquidity, and 5% marketing with a 12% tax. This ensures that BezosGodZilla has enough liquidity and marketing revenue to promote the token and maintain price and growth stability.

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