
Baby FlokiX

Binance Smart Chain : 0x16B9ED637475145B0EDc3E5bE5a5A221De794836

What is Baby FlokiX($BFX)?


Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000 (1 Trillion)

Transaction Fees: SLIPPAGE: 15+%

$BFX is a community-driven meme governance token with Binance-Peg SHIBA INU rewards. Whenever a transaction is made (buy/sell/transfer), all $BFX holders automatically receive Binance-Peg SHIBA INU rewards in their wallet. Holders of $BFX tokens can also influence decisions about the project, such as proposing or deciding on new features and even changing the governance system itself. There is no minimum amount of $BFX tokens a holder must own. However, the more $BFX tokens a holder owns, the greater the holder's voting rights and the more Binance-Peg SHIBA INU token rewards are distributed. The project has a strong focus on participation through voting and the further development of an ecosystem.

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