

Binance Smart Chain : 0xA2E4223A44779Daaccd1DF5ac4066b252c20ADF7

What is BNBFloki(BNBFLOKI)?

BNBFloki is a rewards token that automatically airdrops holders with BNB every hour! 100% of every taxed token is converted into BNB rewards! Just hold BNBFloki and the good boy will drop BNB straight into your wallet!
LP tax is needed for price stability (to fight dumps), but that takes away from the rewards! BNBFloki has a creative solution! BNBFloki introduces a new mechanic that incentivizes holder to not dump, without forcing them not to! Floki is a smart puppy that keeps track of the ATH market price of the contract. When the price is 75% of all time high or lower, Floki removes buy taxes while increasing sell taxes!
Taxes change from 10% buy/20% sell to 0% buy/30% sell. This mechanic incentivizes holding and new buys, while punishing sellers! Holders can go to sleep knowing they won't be dumped on, because Floki is guarding them!

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