
BNB Classic

Binance Smart Chain : 0x5690abeb14558143e03aaab0dab102726111c6bd

What is BNB Classic(BNC)?

BNB Classic | Fairlaunch 22.Aug 16:00 UTC
Verified Contract ✅, VC with Team
HODL & Win 6% $BNB| Great Tokenomics [Buy-Back and Anti-Bot] | Community Coin, Rewarding the Community (Reward Wallet)|Updated Marketing Roadmap

LAUNCH: 22th Aug at 16:00 UTC

No pre-sale, no private sale! Complete fair launch!
Easy 100x Moonshot

BNB Classic brings sound money to the world, fulfilling the original promise as "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash".
Merchants and users are empowered with low fees and reliable confirmations.
The future shines brightly with unrestricted growth, global adoption, permissionless innovation, and decentralized development.
Our aim is to reach a wider audience and becoming well known across the globe as we expand.

HOLD $BNC and get paid PASSIVE INCOME IN BNB (6%) every 24 HOURs.

verified Contract:

Total Supply: 1000,000,000 BNC

Buy & Sell Tax:
Slippage: 0.1%

✅ 45% Burn
✅ 40% Liquidity Locked on DX-Sale
✅ 6% BNB Rewards to Holders
✅ 5% Marketing/Promotion
✅ 4% Team/Development

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