

Binance Smart Chain : 0x27c36b6f7e43ca7266c24ba5bea2a96d695a8ec3

What is BlissfulPlanet(BPCOIN)?

BlissfulPlanet on a mission to change how charity works.
Our app BPapp makes contributing to charity feel like a funny game where you collect these topic related NFT’s and tittles.

Blissful Planet | BPcoin
Has all the right reasons to invest in. Join this Moonshot and earn through holding!

✅ Professional Developers fully doxxed
✅ dApp already in development
✅ Real Life use cases & transparent decision taking!
✅ Charity 2.0: The re-invention of charity is here!
✅ Marketing & Development fund built in!

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Total supply: 1 000 000 000 000 000 BPcoin
17% Burned
Only 4% team tokens
Locked Liquidity

Transaction fee: 6%
2% Burned
2% Distributed to all holders
2% Marketing & Development

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