

Binance Smart Chain : 0xe73d3416c968a7214b91f43f4d854f9AEDB51A3D

What is BurnSFM(BURNSFM)?

BurnSFM is the first token to continuously burn from another token’s supply. Why? This way you can profit on multiple way’s from buying our token.

When you buy our token 2% of the total tax will be used to buy Safemoon tokens, and to send them directly to the Safemoon burn wallet. This way the SFM tokens you’ll receive or already hold will grow in value.

This happens in 2 ways. Every time we buy SFM tokens, the price will go up ( not by that much, but a lot of small buys will eventually be big ) next to that those tokens will be taken out of circulation forever, this also equals to eventually a higher value of your tokens.

But this does not mean we don’t care about our own token. NO! BurnSFM is our main product, and we’ll work continuously to establish growth on this project. this by adding a liquidity tax and a marketing tax. all this can be found at the tokenomics section.

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