

Binance Smart Chain : 0x21d138c0d115dedb6b668bff348ab0aef9fe68e0

What is BabyUSA(BUSA)?

BabyUSA is a token created to those who want to invest on a long term token. We have 10% $BUSD reflection, why $BUSD?, because we love USA, and BUSD is one of the best stable coins.
BabyUSA reflecting you 10% $BUSD with every transaction.
Features: 10% $BUSD reflection LP locked - by DxSale CMC and Coingecko listings
Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
Tokenomics: 10% $BUSD rewards, 2% Liquidity, 5% Marketing.
We love USA. Support babyUSA army!

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