

Binance Smart Chain : 0x76cb95a041fdd73dc73a4f97ac6130e0eb06c5fe

What is BeeNBee(BZZZ)?


What is BEE N BEE?

A 100% community owned and based token using the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is a blockchain network built for running smart contract-based applications. BSC runs in parallel with Binance’s native Binance Chain (BC), which allows users to get the best of both worlds: the high transaction capacity of BC and the smart contract functionality of BSC.

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These are the following Tokenomics for the Bee N Bee with over a Total Supply of 1,000,000,000,000 tokens.

✅ Ownership renounce with an LP Locked 100.00% locked for 2 days on DeepLock which has a Liquid of 39% in pancake. Having The Liquidity of 0.69 BNB.

Fees: Buy: 4.8% | Sell: 2.8%

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