
Cat Waiter

Binance Smart Chain : 0xA40Ac8951bED5b1C628A0C58D9ebd90037f44CBC

What is Cat Waiter(CATW)?

Cat Waiter is the most prepared token to compete in the big crypto market, as well as its will break the world record of achievements within the BSC . .

Token Name: Cat Waiter
✅ Symbol = $CATW
BSC Contract: 0xA40Ac8951bED5b1C628A0C58D9ebd90037f44CBC
✅Blockchain: Binance Smart Chain
✅ Total Supply: 1,000,000,000
Liquidity Lock.
No Presales
✅ Slippage: 1%
Rewards 10 %
Buyback : + 10 % To holder

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