
Corgi Earns Cake

Binance Smart Chain : To be announced

What is Corgi Earns Cake($MBY)?


Our token – Corgi Earns Cake, is a novel token with social conscience, built
by the dog loving team and fully distributed within the crypto community.
Our long term goal is to establish a NFT platform for mobile phone
devices that will allow the creation and sale of NFTs. As an incentive, all
holders of the Corgi Earns Cake token will continue receiving rewards via the
token sale, and through using the platform itself.

Initial Supply Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000
Token name : Corgi Earns Cake
Tokensymbol : CEC
Initial Liquidity Burn : 500,000,000,000 (50%)

✅Contract : will be published on launch to prevent price dump in the beginning and bot attacks


6% to liquidity and locked

2% distributed to holders

3% marketing wallet

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