
Chips Squad

Binance Smart Chain : not launched yet

What is Chips Squad(SMOG)?

CHIPS SQUAD is a token with low taxes and beautiful NFTs created by talented designers, expert blockchain devs and marketed by gurus.

CHIPS is your regular Safemoon Fork with Lower Taxes just like the one it used to be in the Older Days but along with an addition, Rewards for the NFT Holders.

We have 999 NFT Cards getting started, each with Different Powers. The More HP one Owns, gets More Allocation in the NFT Market Trading Pool which Directly gets Rewarded in $BNB and $CHIPS. For Example: 25 Kip Cards with 1HP has the Same Power as 1 Taco Card with 25HP. There will be also some Special Cards for a Limited Time, a 100HP Card for 1hr or a 25HP Card for 2hrs, etc.

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