

Binance Smart Chain : 0x2f7b4A9313b5420a7C454fa19DfBF0Bc90c0c2c1

What is Calaxy(CLXY)?

The Creator’s Galaxy Protocol empowers the interactions between Creators and their fans to be more meaningful and productive, creating objective and measurable value within the relationship while increasing monetization for Creators, and so unlocking a new economic paradigm.

Creator’s within the Creator’s Galaxy mint personalized fungible social tokens, called “Creator Tokens”, that their fans can purchase and utilize in various applications for services and offerings from the Creator in question, like video calls, video messages, fan club subscriptions, and direct messages.

Creators within the ecosystem can also issue NFT “Collectibles” that represent unique assets with authentic provenance and scarcity.

CLXY Tokens act as gas powering The Creator’s Galaxy personal monetization ecosystem, in addition to providing verifiable, decentralized governance.

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