

Binance Smart Chain : 0xf7a0c3765d1f04631701b589e2b2752b1362f0bb

What is CryptoMonkey(CMONKEY)?

Which monkey doesn't like banana ? It's CryptoMonkey !

This is a deflationary token with a fixed supply. Holders will receive BNB automatically.

We will launch this Thursday 4/11 at 1400 UTC.
Join our telegram for more information.

Total Supply: 1 Trillion token
Completely rug proof!
Ownership renounced upon launch with locked LP.
Our tokenomics are super strong.
100% Community-Driven token with LP tokens locked forever.
20% burn of total supply

15% Transaction Fees
5% Liquidity Pool Tax
5% Redistributed to holders
3% Marketing Tax ( Stored in BNB)
2% Tokens Burned

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