
Coin Bandit

Binance Smart Chain : 0x3a1847b68e9fe7cd0e612654b811bc69737b7067

What is Coin Bandit(COINBANDIT)?

Coin Bandit | FAIR LAUNCH | World's First Smartest Raccoon with Auto Cardano Yield Generation | CHARITY ORIENTED | Hold $CoinBandit, and get rewarded while allowing organizations to benefit from it at the same time. We are Charity Oriented and with the present pandemic, it took a toll on all of us and we aim to help those who are in need to slowly get back to the real world. We can make it to reality with your help and together, we'll bring an impact to society.

Total Supply: 100,000,000,000
7% Buy Fees
18-20% Sell Fees
✅ Verified Contract Address
Liquidity Auto-locked at Launch
Fair Launch: August 20, 7PM EST
Hold at least 200,000 $CoinBandit tokens and get ADA Redistribution for every buy and sell.
✔️ DashBoard
⚖️ Audited before Launch by
Anti Whale Metrics
We are going to have an extra tax for all whales that hold over 1% of our total supply.
Anti Snipe/Bot Measures

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