

Binance Smart Chain : 0x1bfE24e7Fb1d3B2dfFD9C1d49372b07bC6fDa829

What is ColdKoala(COLDKOALA)?

ColdKoala strives to make a difference in the world by dedicating a large portion of its funds to supporting charities that work with endangered and injured koalas, such as those that were displaced during the Australian Wildfires.

A Charity Wallet has been established with 10% of the token's minted supply and through tokenomics it will continue to grow with every transaction. This is the wallet that will be used for the selected charities.

While the token has a large minted supply, it's been coded to be deflationary from the start. 40% of the supply was immediately burned and through the 10% tax, 6% of which is reflected back to holders, 4% is burned on every transaction, meaning that the supply will continue to decrease at a steady pace over time.

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