
CrypoBulls Token

Binance Smart Chain : 0x9f42f1143784e2d34c618a3bfbda2099c1662e36

What is CrypoBulls Token (CBT)?

CryptoBulls Token is a community driven project, backed by an LLC full of successful business men and women, supported by over 200 more crypto enthusiasts/investors. We are not a traditional marketing group. We provide the full package, for defi projects. We build contracts, we counsel, we train, we offer our clientele a full spectrum approach to not only DeFi, but also business management within that space.
We will be onboarding real-world businesses into a one of a kind cryptocurrency-enabled merchant payment system. Our business integration plans include sectors such as hospitality, restaurant, and retail. Our token itself will be accompanied by solid usecases from the get go. It will not only have utility, but will also be supported by all of the CryptoBull’s business ventures in the form of reinvesting profits directly into marketing, business development, and actually staking liquidity within the CryptoBulls token itself, thereby increasing buys on the chart organically (a one of a kind, non-artificial buyback mechanism!).

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