

Binance Smart Chain : 0xE47E9D009b7CA4F7d65b47713CaCf3e207354C90

What is Draconite(DCN)?

The Moon is made of Draconite!

Passive BNB Income and Regular Prize Pool

Ongoing private presale whitelist!

Upcoming NFTs and NFT Web Game Projects!

✅ KYC Verified

Total Supply 1,000,000,000 $DCN
80% - Circulating Supply
10% - Utility Supply
⭐️10% - Development and Marketing Wallet
(Development wallet will be released by vesting.)

8% Buy Fee:
1% Charity Pool
2% Prize Pool
5% BNB Reward Pool

20% Sell & Transfer Fee
1% Charity Pool
2% Prize Pool
⭐️ 2% Marketing Wallet
5% Liquidity Pool
5% BNB Reward Pool
5% Reflection

Draconite will hold its presale on October 11th, 2021

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