
The Dip

Binance Smart Chain : 0x06b4a9f875e8bb5fa3265e91a4c6c3c49761740e

What is The Dip(DIP)?

The market is bad right now and people are telling you to buy the dip, but how do you know this is the bottom?

We are a new token that has just launched with 60% burnt and 30% in the LP, so you know that this can only go up! Be one of the early joiners, buy the bottom and let us watch this go to the moon together. The money you can make on this can be used to wipe your tears off your other loses!

Follow us on twitter and telegram, buy the one true Dip! We are easily the most promotable token around, I mean everyone is already talking about us! Spread the word and watch us explode!

1,000,000,000 Total supply

✔️60% Burnt

✔️30% Liquidity Pool
30% of the tokens are put into the LP on Pancakeswap and LP tokens are locked

✔️0% Marketing
Why do we even bother with marketing for the most well known token?

✔️5% Community Development

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