

Binance Smart Chain : 0x2902A0d3891f7c5982da303ff93393c4bD276078

What is DogeBoost(DOST)?

The Doge Family has been growing exponentially every day, now finally the DOGEBOOST has emerged. Doge Family has been getting richer day by day and finally, they gave birth to DOGEBOOST. DOGEBOOST is the best variant of Doge-Themed coins yet.

Symbol: DOST
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 DOST

Total Transaction Fees:
Total Buy Fee: 12%
- Autoboost: 6%
- Reflection to holder: 4%
- Marketing & Development: 2%

Total Sell Fee: 18%
- Autoboost: 7%
- Reflection to Holder:9%
- Marketing & Development: 2%

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