

Binance Smart Chain : 0x7c6139ed7654f6A952Ce000fdDaC118885D6D0fa

What is DivXRP(DRIP)?

This gem of a project is a unique opportunity to get in early on an innovative token; I present to you a brand new token: DivXRP (DRIP). This is an XRP (BSC Pegged) Yielding token that gives you dividends in XRP as you hold it in your wallet. Come be part of our community, enjoy the cozy vibes as a member in a long term project as opposed to the usual 2-day rugpulls that you see around the bsc casino.

Don't let this coin pass you by.


Contract: 0x7c6139ed7654f6a952ce000fddac118885d6d0fa
BSC Scan:
Token Sniffer:
Telegram: 37+ and counting
Sniffer is trolling
You can check the contract is verified on BSCscan


Liquidity is locked and Ownership is renounced.
Total Supply: 2,000,000,000 - fixed.
Liquidity locked; 1Y expiry
91+ holders so far

Memeable Ticker and concept.

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