

Binance Smart Chain : 0xC18994df2Dfd0C2767bB1758bAe83e95762bBea3

What is ElonPeg(ELONPEG)?

ELONPEG is a deflationary reflection token, and the first Elon-pegged cryptocurrency. Every transaction of ELONPEG (swap, transfer) on the Binance Smart Chain will incur 9% in total fees: 3% to liquidity, 3% to holders based on their stake, and 3% to a marketing wallet for further events, to award the community, and for carbon offsetting. This built-in functionality keeps the token prosperous and rewarding for investors, while also remaining environmentally sustainable. But the real magic behind ELONPEG comes from its unique, contract-enabled automatic deflation method. Simply put, every time an Elon tweet occurs, the BurnUponTweeting contract will burn off 0.5% (adjustable) of its supply. Both the ELONPEG and BurnUponTweeting contracts have been audited by Techrate!

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