
EJection Moon

Binance Smart Chain : 0xab19627C09EfC7fdC5b45fA7100823791433171b

What is EJection Moon(ETJ)?

Blockchain technology reconstructs the Internet, making it open, transparent, safe and reliable. The mediation role played by blockchain
enables artificial intelligence and the Internet of things to be brought into
better play, becoming the driving technology of the fourth industrial
revolution and comprehensively subverting traditional finance. At present, we are in the stage of blockchain 3.0, which is a stage in
which blockchain technology surpasses currency and economy and is
applied in more fields. At this stage, technology enables the real economy, and blockchain technology moves from "concept" to "value landing", from
"niche" to "mass". ETJ takes blockchain technology as the core to build a completely
decentralized, tamper proof, anti-counterfeiting and traceable virtual space
to form a fair and fair virtual world.

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