

Binance Smart Chain : 0x97c492c32674aa5b16DE157EC4e7bB94e31Ddd7F

What is Evelyn(EVE)?

Evelyn was born to make a difference to the world of art within the crypto space and beyond. Far from being a ‘meme’ token, Evelyn will have a legitimate use case. The Evelyn platform will allow artists to post their work for the community to view, in the form of an online gallery. Art enthusiasts will be able to browse through various artist’s work, with the potential to reach out to them for purchase. Aspiring artists will find inspiration in some of the work they come across within the Evelyn platform, making Evelyn the go to place for inspiring creativity. The place where all art enthusiasts across the globe can come together to promote, communicate and evolve into a community where all may thrive.

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