
Fastest Alerts

Binance Smart Chain : 0xFed7A9ED8535EA78D8b992B4D28f499CDDeaf01A

What is Fastest Alerts(FA)?

Fastest alerts is a utility token with a mission to provide powerful tools to stay ahead of competition.

- Fastest alerts for listings on CMC and CG. Get alerts for upcoming listings on Coinmarketcap and Coingecko before anyone else. Buy early and enjoy the pump.
- Join the Presale and become a Founder. Founders will get access to the BUY / SELL bot with lifetime access.
Hold FA and enjoy access to a set of tools that will set you apart from 99% of traders.
- Fastest Alerts (FA) token is the only token that trades with the alerts of our channels. All the profits from these trades will be used to purchase back Fastest Alerts (FA) token

The only TOOL alerting what tokens are listing in CMC or CG minutes before they're listed or added to “recently added” section. This information is privileged and exclusive, you won’t find any fastest alert, the competition is minutes behind.

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