

Binance Smart Chain : 0x3Ca51060F7891aCa3f79F78e5A6903B8f717E04f

What is Toretto(FAMILY)?

Toretto Token - The Family of BSC!

The next generation of Smart Contract with love, made for all of the BSC users.
Do not forget, we are a family!


8% Reward Fee (Automatic BNB Rewards with Auto Claim Function for Holders, who is having at least 0.25% of the total supply in his wallet!)
2% Liqudity Fee
10-12% Slippage
Multiple Anti-Whale mechanics to guard our family.

Special Functions:

MaxBux / TX
There is a limitation on maximum buying on every TX!
MaxSell / TX
There is a limitation of max selling, so whales can't dump the token
MaxWallet / Token
You can only hold the 1.5% of the total supply on one wallet.
Selling = Higher Fee
If you want to sell, you should use more gas, and it has bigger fee than buying.
More money for holders and the Family!

✨✨ No Dev or Marketing Wallets / We are also joining the presale to make this the biggest Family EVER! ✨✨
✨✨ 20% of the main supply is getting burned ✨✨

Our Telegram:
Contract Address: 0x3Ca51060F7891aCa3f79F78e5A6903B8f717E04f
Slippage: 10-13% (Selling has 5% more fee 13-18%)

The presale will be starting @ 350 Telegram members!

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