

Binance Smart Chain : 0x338a09a17a7da2e5c5a6b22344f3a49904224c79

What is FlokiJR(FLOKIJR)?

In a time not long ago there lived a legend named Floki... Eyes like fire, a ferocious spirit to match, and a master boat builder by his own right but alas no heir to carry his lineage. Then one fateful day his prayers were answered; his wife had had a litter of strong pups. After watching his children closely one stood apart from the rest, carrying the same indomitable spirit as his father. Only one name would fit the hunger in his young eyes: Floki Jr. Thus, a legend was born, a true heir to his warrior fathers spirit. A hunger for success matched only by the gods themselves.

Every buy/sell comes with a 15% tax to maintain our rewards and stability! Here is what the tax is used for:

7% Rewards in $FLOKI
4% Liquidity (Keeps the coin stable)
4% Marketing

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