
Floki Frunkpuppy

Binance Smart Chain : 0x646cD085210F30f1054288b22Fb870e32283a58c

What is Floki Frunkpuppy(FPUPPY)?

Floki FrunkPuppy is a REAL community coin and is not controlled by a few people.

Token Name: Floki Frunkpuppy
✅ Symbol = $FPUPPY
BSC Contract: 0x646cD085210F30f1054288b22Fb870e32283a58c
Total Supply: 1000,000,000,000,000
100% Liquidity .
BSC Contract Verified.
No Presales
✅ Slippage: 5-12%
Renounce Ownership.
☑️ 10 % add to holder
10% Marketing & Rewards
5% Redistribution
5% auto Liquidity

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