
GoBull Token

Binance Smart Chain : 0x58AAB456B36c1724c6eC9fE8403D4a1C3cb39C87

What is GoBull Token(GOBULL)?

GoBullSwap - Yield Farming concept
By Yield farming on GoBullSwap, users take advantage of earn high interest for putting their cryptocurrencies on stake. According to DeFiPulse, a DeFi analytics and ranking platform, DeFi protocols have over $50 billion worth of cryptocurrency locked in these programs.
Token Symbol: GOBULL
Contract Address: 0x58AAB456B36c1724c6eC9fE8403D4a1C3cb39C87Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Transfer Tax - NO / Harvest Lock - NO
Emission Rate
Initial emission rate: 0.05 GoBull / Block
Minimum emission rate: 0.01 GoBull / Block
Emission reduction: the emission rate will be reduced by 3% every 9,600 blocks (~12 hours)

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