

Binance Smart Chain : 0xfc72381723868275e43c51e703092af04a1f47f7

What is Interstellar(INS)?

Interstellar #INS is extremely high-yield Frictionless Auto-Growing &
Auto-Farming Token.

INS is a platform where someone can start crowdfunding, Fundraising &
Donations campaign too.

100% Secure: The Liquidity is locked forever in PancakeSwap and
ownership of the contract has been renounced to burn address.

Advanced Auto-Growth: 2% of every transaction is distributed to holders
aka "HodlReward". Watch the number of INS coins in your wallet increase
the minute you begin holding.

100% Decentralized: INS Coin is community Owned, managed and Led by
volunteers, as 100% of the supply was seeded into liquidity & ownership
was renounced to burn address.

Constant Rising Price: 4% of every transaction goes into forever locked
liquidity in the PancakeSwap INS/BNB pool gives it a constant rising

Anti-Whale Safety: No transaction can go over 5 trillion tokens at once

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