
JeJuDoge BSC

Binance Smart Chain : 0x2020eb9e26aa49c27ebb72c174cfbab851f7dde0

What is JeJuDoge BSC(JEJUDOGE)?

The Jejudoge BSC protocol is a community driven, fair launched DeFi token on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that arose from the desire to introduce a new standard of professionalism to a market segment that has been largely characterized by a lack of effort or innovation in the areas of tokenomics, design, marketing, implementation, and ongoing catalysts to maintain momentum and generate continued returns for holders. Jejudoge BSC is designed to address these deficiencies. Our tokenomics include a 12% tax with allocations of 8% to liquidity, 2% to holders, and 2% to marketing. These allocations were carefully chosen to maximize the growth potential of the token and provide fuel to an industry-leading promotional campaign to ensure sustained growth beyond the initial pump without asking investors to donate from their own wallets. Cryptocurrency buyers deserve better than the minimum standard, and Jejudoge BSC will introduce a new model for future coins to follow.

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