

Binance Smart Chain : 0x78a499a998bdd5a84cf8b5abe49100d82de12f1c

What is JOJO(JOJO)?

$JOJO is a completely decentralized MEME/Game Token without any pre-sale and team reservation, the total circulation of $JOJO is 1 trillion, initially, 50% of the tokens are put into the black hole address, 36% into the PancakeSwap for Fair Launch, and 14% are gradually burned;

JOJO originated in Japan, based on Animation, Comic, Game, and Novel, or ACGN Japanese culture that is widely loved all over the world.
JOJO Metaverse will consist of NFTs that can be used in a number of ways which include trading, staking, and in-game use.

JOJO is also a game incubator, we will have more than 10 games in the JOJO metaverse.

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