
Koala Inu

Binance Smart Chain : 0x0316a46b77ec4f2061a17c11033dfd2131ecad3b

What is Koala Inu(KOIN)?

Koala Inu will position itself as the next level meme token on the Binance Smart Chain network. Their no nonsense policy and anti paperhand strategy will bring them above and beyond.

A fair/stealth launch is scheduled for the end of November. With fair tokenomics (10%), locked liquidity before the contract is shared, anti whale strategy and an anti sniping/bot strategy.

Planned marketing strategy includes early listings on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap.
Well seeked out promoters and influencers.

Koala Inu, the crypto chart climbing koala. We hope to see you soon!

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