

Binance Smart Chain : 0x6f88A0b4fB8c9D18eb0AB4c240e18E6aE1801932

What is Kryptolance(KRYPT)?

A crypto jobs and digital services marketplace, sell downloads too! A quality project on BSC with a real use case and utility!

Pay and get paid in crypto for anything. Security is at the forefront to protect both customers and sellers avoiding any fraudulent activity and scams.

Earn automated BNB rewards, BNB is distributed automatically to you.

Beta is ready which you can test right away, and our second product, a P2P products marketplace Beta will be ready before presale too. We are serious about our roadmap and proven that we deliver, with a vision for the future that will change the marketplace aspect within the blockchain.

We have a staking dApp coming too within the first 2 weeks of launch for even more returns and ways to earn along with a proverbial fair casino with 15 games to start with, all this by end of the year!

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