

Binance Smart Chain : 0xEdefd156430a2c43dC9A4c6c2C31DB254DABf8AF

What is Masamoon(MASAMOON)?

Masamoon Token’s name was inspired by Masamune (正宗), also known as Gorō Nyūdō Masamune (五郎入道正宗). He was widely recognized as Japan’s greatest swordsmith; he created swords and daggers, known in Japanese as tachi and tantō respectively, in the Sōshū tradition. As no exact dates are known for Masamune’s life, he has reached an almost legendary status.

Name: Masamoon
Type: BSC/BEP-20
Contract: 0xEdefd156430a2c43dC9A4c6c2C31DB254DABf8AF
Decimals: 18
Total Supply: 10,000,000
MaxTxAmount: 25,000 (0.25% of total)
SwapAndLiquify Amount: 5,000 (0.05% of total)

Fee Breakdown (10% total):

Reflection: 5% of the fee is distributed to all token holders in proportion to their token holdings.

Liquidity Pool Acquisition: 5% of the fee is to provide liquidity on PancakeSwap; 2.5% is added to BNB and 2.5% is added to MASAMOON.

Since ownership was renounced, LP is sent to the dead address (i.e. burned, deflationary).

Important: The max transaction amount is 25,000 tokens! Anything more than that will fail. Also, set slippage to around 12%+ since there is a 10% wallet redistribution/liquidity fee!

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